GHMI has experience working with potential investors in identifying and underwriting potential asset acquisitions. Our strong relationships with hotel brands and vendors streamline the process. We are highly skilled in Third-Party Management. We have an in-house licensed Real Estate Broker.
Investment Opportunities
All GHV hotels are Single Purpose Entities (SPE), allowing opportunities for new investors routinely. Typically, the equity position of an investor is not less than 5-10% of the required equity stack for the project. GHV is a long-term holder of the developments, typically through the full 15-25-year length of the Franchise Agreement.

Third-Party Development & Consulting
If you have a site of interest, GHMI can consult or sign on as a Third-party development company. We can assist in the underwriting, the entitlements, pricing, design, construction, procurement and opening services. We offer a full Scope of Work to ensure the best possible construction time and ramp-up period to stabilization.